October 26, 2012

My Writing Style

My writing style

Good fiction must be rooted in reality. Therefore, much of what the novel, Called-Out Warriors, is based on has either happened or is plausible. It is a story based loosely on and inspired by the author’s real-life events and adventures. Names have been changed and a few things have been altered in order to make the story more compelling.

 So, should this be called fiction or nonfiction? If this “wordologist” could coin a new genre, I might call it “Interstitial,” meaning “in between.” Such as that part of the skin’s anatomy that secretes sweat. In attempting to combine fiction and nonfiction I often find myself, “sweating it out.”  However there is already a word some use for this type of writing—‘Faction’.

I have worked at making sure the facts were correct, be it the life I or others have lived, including the nuances of war, politics or religious and spiritual encounters.

One of my reasons for wanting to recapture certain events, whether in fiction or nonfiction, and encourage you to do the same is because we can learn lessons from events in our past we never took the time to. If we lose them, they will never be able to do what they were intended to do—give us needed moments of reflection and possibly joy.

There have been moments in my life that have been responsible for setting it in various directions. It is these moments I have chosen to remember in Called-Out Warriors.

Bottom line: even though the story line is formatted as fiction, in this author’s mind it's all entirely plausible.

The book will be made available soon as an E-Book.

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