October 26, 2012

My Writing Style

My writing style

Good fiction must be rooted in reality. Therefore, much of what the novel, Called-Out Warriors, is based on has either happened or is plausible. It is a story based loosely on and inspired by the author’s real-life events and adventures. Names have been changed and a few things have been altered in order to make the story more compelling.

 So, should this be called fiction or nonfiction? If this “wordologist” could coin a new genre, I might call it “Interstitial,” meaning “in between.” Such as that part of the skin’s anatomy that secretes sweat. In attempting to combine fiction and nonfiction I often find myself, “sweating it out.”  However there is already a word some use for this type of writing—‘Faction’.

I have worked at making sure the facts were correct, be it the life I or others have lived, including the nuances of war, politics or religious and spiritual encounters.

One of my reasons for wanting to recapture certain events, whether in fiction or nonfiction, and encourage you to do the same is because we can learn lessons from events in our past we never took the time to. If we lose them, they will never be able to do what they were intended to do—give us needed moments of reflection and possibly joy.

There have been moments in my life that have been responsible for setting it in various directions. It is these moments I have chosen to remember in Called-Out Warriors.

Bottom line: even though the story line is formatted as fiction, in this author’s mind it's all entirely plausible.

The book will be made available soon as an E-Book.

May 24, 2012

Warriors are coming to lead-are you one of them?

Warriors are coming to Lead - Are you one of them?
A prophectic message by Allen Stark
Anyone who has willingly enlisted to fight against the enemy will tell you there is a difference between being a soldier and a warrior. There are many professional soldiers who take their jobs very seriously and are very good at what they do, but when you meet a warrior, you recognize the difference right away.
Some of the church leadership is about to be transferred from the hands of professional soldiers, to the hands of true warriors, which the soldiers of the cross will all soon become.
Warriors respond to the sound of the battle cry. They do not run from it. Warriors thrive on conflict and danger. Warriors are not discouraged by the oppositions and the troubles they face, but rather come alive when faced with them. This is the makeup of the emerging generation of Christians. Those who think the emerging generation of Christians is soft will be shocked by the warrior nation that is soon to be revealed.
God is a warrior. He uses the title "Lord of Hosts" ten times more than all of his other titles. In fact, in the Old Testament alone, the word “Hosts” is associated with God's work or His name 290 times: 17 times in Psalms, 62 times in Isaiah, 77 times in Jeremiah, 53 times in Zephaniah, 24 times in Malachi, and 57 times between 16 other Old Testament books. God is a martial God. Those who are going to reveal him in these end times, are going to begin taking on the discipline of a warrior, because the emerging generation is being prepared to serve in the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known. Even so they will face these troubles with faith and confidence. They will earn the title, 'Overcomers', because they will never give way to opposition, troubles, or battles, but will fight to win like Joshua, who fought until the victory was won.
These emerging warrior Christians will have the same resolve because they will know who they are, who has sent them, and the power of the kingdom they represent. Like King David's mighty men, who placed their faith and trust in the Lord of Hosts, their exploits will be known abroad and strike fear into the hearts of the King's enemies.
As this warrior generation emerges, it will impact and bring transformation to the body of Christ. It will be so profound that churches will start being thought of more as military bases than congregations. Serious training and the sending out of spiritual forces for unprecedented strategic maneuvers will be the order of the day.
It is time for war! As we are told in Ecclesiastes 3:8, there is "a time for war and a time for peace." When I and others were trained as medics and soldiers during the Vietnam war, it was a time for war. Then there was a time when we realized the war should come to an end, and it became a time for peace. I can still remember walking arm-in-arm down Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, D.C. singing, “Give peace a chance.”
It is very important that we understand when it is a time for war and a time for peace. This is a time for war. It is no accident that one of the greatest worshipers in the Bible, King David, was also one of the greatest warriors. True worship and warfare go together. How can one be a true worshiper of God and not be provoked by the evil of our time to stand for the truth, and by standing for truth against the evil one, set the captives free? The warriors who are about to arise will be provoked to action by every evil stronghold that holds men in bondage, and they will begin to bring them down with their divinely powerful weapons.
As this radical change comes upon the church, and every true Christian becomes a fearless warrior for the truth of the gospel, the basis of the great character change that will come will begin with them living by the greatest code of the greatest warriors the world has ever known: to die daily, to not live for themselves, but for the King, and do all things for the sake of his gospel.
As the Lord said in Luke 9:23-24, "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it."
This is the code of a true disciple, who is a true warrior. The world is about to witness what true disciples are like—the true salt and light of the world.
When we are already dead to this world, there is nothing the world can do to us, and we will fear nothing on this earth. Those who live without fear are the most free and powerful people on earth. There is nothing that strikes more fear into the camp of the enemy than such a people walking the earth again. They are already among us and will now begin to emerge. It is a generation unlike any that has walked the earth before. The Lord has really saved his best for last.
There can be no victory without a battle. There has been a religious mentality spreading over much of the church, that Christians should not experience a time of troubles, and if they do they are not walking in faith. This is contrary to the Scriptures. Both Jesus and the apostles spoke about the trials and tribulations that Christians are called to go through. There is a purpose for the trials, and there is victory that comes from facing them with faith and steadfastness. It was said of the ministry of the apostle Paul, that he went about "strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, 'We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God'" (Acts 14:22).
The generation that has embraced the pseudo faith teachings, the wishful thinking theology, as I call it, which promotes a refusal to even acknowledge problems and troubles, has become possibly the weakest generation of Christians in history. The meltdown of morality, integrity and basic spiritual courage in much of Christianity, resembles something like a drug induced stupor more than biblical faith—a stupor that keeps most Christians sitting in their pews instead of going out to face the enemy. However, this is beginning to change, and the change is going to continue until the transformation is complete.
There is a new breed of Christians that is emerging who are more militant than the world has seen since the first century. They are warriors/ fighters who will live the resolve not to surrender a single acre of ground to the enemies of the cross. The emerging generation is about to change forever the impression that Christians are wimps, fearful and cowering before the intimidating forces (atheists, renegade leaders, judges, groups, etc.) of this world. Because of the present impression of the nature of Christians, the first wave of warriors will create shock waves of both fear and wonder in the present powers that be. This will begin to awaken the rest of Christianity to its true nature and destiny, just as Gideon's breakthrough caused the rest of Israel to arise and take the spoil.
Soldiers know that a weapon, which jams at the wrong time, can mean death to themselves and many others, so they spend much time cleaning and caring for their weapons. The apostle Paul wrote about the divinely powerful weapons that we have been given. Few Christians understand these and fewer still have learned to use them. That is about to change. We are going to begin taking the same kind of daily care for what we have been entrusted with, and be the finest, most trustworthy soldiers. We must understand that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal weapons. They are divinely powerful and uncompromising weapons—spiritual weapons of love and truth.
Warriors love truth. Truth spoken under God's anointing is the most powerful force on the earth. Like a good soldier, we should be continually cleaning and caring for the precious truth we have been entrusted with. We must become skilled marksmen, marksmen who can hit their targets right in the heart every time, and without hesitation. Our weapons must never jam.
Nations will soon bow the knee to the irresistible power of the truth that is about to be proclaimed by this warrior army of God. They will confront the greatest darkness of our time, and they will push it back. In all things, they will stand resolved and without compromise, so that all evil will retreat before them.
This warrior army will not be like the world's armies, which kill, destroy, and plunder, but it will instead heal, restore, and set free those who are conquered by it. They will not come to take, but to give. The earth has never before seen such an army as the one, which will soon be released upon the earth. The call right now is going forth all over the earth to all those who would be part of it.
This army will strike fear into all who are not a part of it, including many sleeping or deluded Christians. The world has never seen anything like this before. The spirit of Elijah, which was upon John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Lord the first time, is coming upon tens of thousands to prepare for the second coming. Just as all of Judea came out to see John, whole nations will come to hear and be baptized in the Holy Spirit by those who are about to be revealed.
Are you ready to become a warrior in God's Army? He promises to be with us in all we do. Won't you take hold of his hand and let him lead you into the Kingdom Age?
Breaking the Bread of Heaven for those who hunger
for the Master's Presence!

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To all those who have just joined us, we extend a very warm welcome to you and know that you will be truly blessed by this message. We pray you will experience a fresh encounter from the Master and above all else that you will reach your full potential in God and know that you are loved beyond all measure.
A prophetic message by
Allen Stark
MWM has been honored over the years to have known Allen Stark. When he shared this word with us we sensed it was a word in season for the Church of today. Enjoy and rise to the call...
"Warriors are coming to lead
Are you one of them?"
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"The Secret of the Swaddling Clothes!"
In today’s society when a child is born, normally the first things we’re told are, “Their weight is …, their length is…, the color of their eyes and so on… And yet, when, God informs us of the birth of His Son, He says, “Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes…”
Of all the information God could have provided, He takes time to inform us that Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes. Could it be that God is trying to show us something, and if so, what could it be?
A life changing insight!
Written as a step by step journey, you will learn how to dress in the armour and to know how effective the armour is. A must for any Christian.
MASKquerade the true story of Danny Wallace is now available at Maurice Wylie Media
A true story that will inspire anyone to believe that God can make one whole no matter how abusive life was.
With wisdom and understanding Danny ministries light to the dark areas that is within many of us.
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May 01, 2012

"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs."  Matthew 10:27          

A very good author and friend, Daniel Parkins, in California has reviewed my Christian novel and posted it on his website. The following is his review.

From the first moments of engaging the book Walkout, written by Allen Stark, I couldn’t help but be drawn into the eerily familiar atmosphere from which much of this book was written. I too had experienced my own “walkout” of sorts, from a triumphantly wonderful pastor falling from sin to people disheartened by the political make up and fear of man that seems to be so prevalent in church today. Some could say I’ve lived parts of it, and from that vantage point, I couldn’t help but look in the mirror and see my own reflection in this book. I once heard it stated that a good book will not merely entertain, but force you to engage yourself and ask questions that illicit change. “Walkout” does exactly that.
Stark is a good writer. It seems odd to say this, but in a day and age when even the script seems to be spoon fed to us, Stark writes allegorically with ease and as you work through the story, you catch a glimpse of a man who knows the literary scope to which he is attempting to write in. Honestly, I liked it.
To be truthful, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about it. Knowing he and I experienced the same heart ache from a church split and torrential fall of a man extremely gifted by God only to listen to the lies of the flesh, I didn’t know how he would go about describing the events to be real but also protect those involved. And though the story had much more involved then what we experienced, nonetheless he writes with conviction and hope; hope for change and for the power of Christ to do the impossible in lives.
Here is a pivotal paragraph within the book that I found specifically great; one in which the church leaders of today, as well as the elders and those involved in making decisions, need to hear:
“He said…” Again she paused, causing Rob, Floyd, and Sheryl to believe that Patrick had confessed to the charges. Instead, when she continued, she surprised them all. “He felt that, because of similar situations in the past involving others, the church elders, congregation, and community would not stand behind him. He felt it would only be a matter of time until his credibility and reputation would be destroyed. He wasn’t willing to go through what Dillon Montgomery and Hershel Davis had to.”
One of Stark’s characters early on commits suicide and though the reasons are not clear right away, the wife is confronted by the police to confront the allegations against her now deceased husband on molestations charges. Though the charges themselves seem at first warranted, a deeper introspection really shows the helplessness of the individual church member opposed to the “face” that church often tries to show to the public. Rather than supporting an innocent man, the church time and again is afraid of taking stands with their parishioners, and compromises in weakness rather than standing for the gospel and for the people.
Walkout is not a story that is depressing, however, and throughout the course of it Stark gives a hope in the belief of Jesus Christ, and always points towards the Father as the author of it all. There are real issues he brings to light, and offers wonderful insight as well:
Job says, ‘But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent.’” George waited for a response.
“Then you don’t think God is angry with me?”
“Saul, when God has tested me, I have felt abandoned. There was a time when Paulina and I were separated for a while, trying to work out some marriage problems, and I felt so estranged from her. I had the same feeling, but even stronger, when God was testing me.”
“How did all of that testing affect your thinking?”
“Instead of answering your question, Saul, let me ask you a question. Since the testing began, have you continued to love, trust, and seek God? And have you continued believing that God is real, no matter what you have been feeling?”
Saul searched his heart before answering and then shared, “I feel like an abandoned child, needing someone to pick me up and hold me.” Saul sniffed and then cleared his throat before saying, “I don’t ever remember praying as hard as I have these last four days.”
“God has not left you abandoned on some doorstep, Saul. He sees your struggle and hears every word of your prayers, and I believe it is because you and others have prayed through this time of testing. I would hate to think how long your testing could take if you were not praying.”
Here are encouraging words from a man who has experienced his own heartache from people, but given an even stronger resolve to love God more passionately. I encourage you to pick up a copy of Stark’s Walkout; it not only glorifies the Lord and constantly points to him, but is a great book that makes you answer searching questions in your own life.

“Bravo, Allen! Parkins has recognized your talent and your passionate Christianity and presented them both convincingly to the reader. This review is a keeper, and surely it must offer you encouragement for writing more books of the same nature. Have at it!”—Mary Turner (retired English teacher, author, and member of the Southwest Iowa Writers Guild)