My writing has always been an attempt to build a paper bridge, which allows me to pass from my life to yours.
Man is always building bridges of concrete, steel and wood only to be destroyed by weather and wars. The only bridges that are guaranteed to reach from the past to the present and on into the future are those made of paper. Paper is known to carry some of the heaviest loads mankind can conceive. That is why I spend so much time writing and building paper bridges.
Ever since my paternal grandmother formed the skeleton of my reading and writing talent, writing has been my better world where my imagination is king. The grandmother, who taught and nourished me during my formative years, gave me the same opportunities this writer desires to give you.
I am not sure all writers will agree with me when I say that we who write do not always know with the first thought which way, or to what end our introductory thought will lead us. Neither do we know how many interpretations will be made of what we have said. We can never be sure to what lengths our manuscripts will be taken or to what end they will avail.
Those of you who will read what I have written, welcome to my privateness. I enjoy sharing with you my dreams, imaginings, thoughts, feelings, and experiences that I’ve had along life’s journey. Probably what I’m sharing with you won’t revolutionize world opinion or thinking, but it will hopefully add to your storehouse of inspiration.